
  • 06 Dec 2017 4:59 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    The Postgraduate Committee to the AAP is welcoming proposals from postgraduates from any institution in Australia, New Zealand, or Singapore with a postgraduate philosophy programme to organise and host the 2018 Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference (APPC).


    The APPC is an annual conference that provides an opportunity for postgraduate students from Australasia to present their work, debate their ideas, receive feedback from peers and form collaborations across institutions. The conference is usually three days and includes a variety of sessions including standard talks, pre-read paper discussions, career and publishing workshops, and more. The conference environment is laid back and can be a great introduction to conferences for new graduate students.  Recent conferences have been held in Brisbane, Canberra, Adelaide, Sydney and Auckland.


    Hosting the conference provides the opportunity to gain valuable experience in conference organisation and committee management, both of which are important skills for successful academic philosophers. Hosting the APPC is also a great way of promoting your university's philosophy program (including to prospective graduate students). Last, but not least, organising a conference can be a lot of fun and is a great way to give service back to the profession while making contacts and friends, both within your institution and within the broader Australasian philosophy community.  


    A successful bid will justify a selection for the conference dates and contain a budget with an indication of expected funding sources, a conference planning timeline, and brief details of why your university would make a good site for the conference. Bidders are encouraged to be both realistic and creative with their bids. Our comprehensive APPC Hosting Guide can sent on request, and we are happy to assist organisers with any further questions that they might have. Bids for the 2018 APPC close January 31st 2018. Bidders are not restricted to groups from a single university and may be interdisciplinary. It may be helpful in terms of funding and organising resources to join forces with another institution in your local area or discipline/department at your university.


    If you are interested in hosting the 2018 APPC, or would like any further information about hosting an APPC or a copy of the hosting guide, please contact Toby Solomon (

  • APR

    30 Jun 2017 3:12 PM | Anonymous member

    The Australasian Philosophical Review (APR) , a journal of the Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP), is a new and exciting journal in Open Peer Commentary format. It publishes significant and controversial invited lead articles by authors from all areas of philosophy, together with invited and open peer commentaries on those invited lead articles, and authors' responses to those commentaries. Each issue has a different curator, chosen by a committee of the AAP; the curator is responsible for the choice of the authors of the invited lead article and the invited commentaries. 

    The first issue, March 2017, was recently released. The theme of 1.1 is Aesthetic Pleasure curated by Jennifer McMahon, with lead article, 'The Pleasure of Art', by Mohan Matthen, invited commentaries from Cynthia A. Freeland, Paul Guyer, & Robert Sinnerbrink and seven open peer commentaries.  

    To view the APR, visit: 

  • 23 Jun 2017 11:26 AM | Anonymous member

    Hi Everyone!

    I pass on the following message from Luca Scarntino, the Secretary-General of FISP:




    Dear Colleagues, 

    As you are aware of, the 24th World Congress of Philosophy will take place in Beijing, RP China, on August 13-20, 2018. As the preparation of the Congress is entering its last stretch, I would like to provide you with some relevant and -- hopefully -- useful information. 

    1. Registration is open. Registration to the Congress is now open and available through the website of the Congress, at the address Online submission of contributed papers is also possible through the website. Please note that anyone can submit a paper to one of the 99 sections of the Congress; instructions about the modalities of online submission can be found on the website.  
    Useful information concerning logistic arrangements, accommodation, and local information is being posted online on a regular basis as well. Please feel free to write to the Secretariat of the Congress ( or to directly to me for any particular query. 

    2. Plenary sessions. The programme of plenary sessions, symposia, and endowed lectures of the Congress is available online. May I thank all members of Fisp who nominated panelists for these sessions; it was not possible for the Steering Committee to retain all of them, but each proposal was deeply appreciated. Thank you. 

    3. Round tables. Proposals for round tables are welcome. Please send your proposal either to me or to Professor Stelios Virvidakis, University of Athens (, who is in charge of centralizing all information concerning round tables. Please note that, according to WCP rules, round tables panelists should proceed from three different nationalities 
    at least; standard duration for round tables is 1h50; and there is no limit to the number of round tables that can be proposed. On the other hand, a special commemoration of Fisp 70 years will take place during the Congress; it will be managed by Professor Evandro Agazzi, Hon President of Fisp (

    Student sessions. The Executive Committee of the Congress is wishing to enhance the presence of students sessions in the programme. These sessions should bring together mainly, but not exclusively, PhD students from different countries, who would discuss their ongoing researches in 2-hours debates with prominent international scholars. Assistance to provide on campus accommodation for students is being considered by the local Organizing committee. For queries, proposals, and requests about these sessions, please write to Prof. Ernest Lepore from Rutgers (, Prof. Riccardo Pozzo from Rome (, and Prof. Wu Tianyue on behalf of the Chinese organizing committee ( May I encourage all members of Fisp network to promote and support a large participation of students.  

    5. Society sessions. Member societies, associations, and institutes of Fisp can hold their own sessions during the Congress. 
    Society sessions may include scholarly symposia, administrative meetings, assemblies, and any other format that a society might choose to adopt; they are an essential part of the Congress, and appropriate venues will be available for them. For all proposals or clarifications, please contact me directly: I will be happy to assist you with any such request. May I underline, especially for newly admitted members of Fisp, that no additional costs will be incurred by societies, associations, and institutes holding their sessions during the Congress. Deadline to request society sessions is April 1, 2018; as the number of available rooms will not be unlimited, though, I recommend that requests be submitted as early as possible.  

    6. Fisp website. Finally, let me invite you to visit the website of Fisp (, and check if the information concerning your society, association, or institute is correctly updated. In case you find any wrong, missing, or outdated information, please let me know. 

  • 13 Jun 2017 11:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The AAP is pleased to announce the shortlist for the 2017 AAP Postgraduate Presentation Prize  more>>

  • 21 Apr 2017 11:52 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    An additional stream is now available for abstract submissions to the 2017
    AAP Conference (hosted by the University of Adelaide, 2-6 July).

    *Remembering Josh Parsons*

    Convenors: Dan Marshall (Lingnan) and Antony Eagle (Adelaide)

    This stream will be dedicated to remembering Josh Parsons and his
    philosophical work. The organisers welcome submissions on any topics that
    Josh worked on, including but not limited to: persistence, time, location,
    truthmaking, mereology, imperatives, contextualism, and relativism.

    Registration, abstract submission and further information about the
    conference is available via the conference website:

  • 17 Apr 2017 8:40 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference 2017 will be held at the University of Queensland in Brisbane from Friday 24th until Sunday 26th November 2017, with a public plenary on the Friday.

    The University of Queensland APPC Committee invites postgraduate students from all Australasian Universities to submit abstracts on any philosophical topic up to a maximum of 200 words.

    The call for papers can be found here

    University of Queensland APPC committee

  • 01 Mar 2017 12:58 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Registrations & Abstract Submissions for the AAP 2017 Conference are now open.

    Register, Submit here.

  • 20 Dec 2016 2:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP) offers an annual prize of $500 for an outstanding philosophical paper or book chapter published by an Australasian woman during the previous calendar year. 

    The prize is open to female professional philosophers who are actively engaged in an Australasian higher education and/or research institution. The prize was first awarded in 2016 to Monima Chadha (Monash University).

    Entries/nominations for pieces published in 2016 should be in electronic copy and must be received by the Executive Officer no later than 28th February 2017

    For further information about the AAP Annette Baier Paper Prize, including a nomination form, see:

  • 20 Dec 2016 2:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP) awards an annual prize of $500 for the development of innovative approaches to teaching philosophy. First awarded in 2014, the prize is offered with a view to exploring ways in which undergraduate courses in philosophy can build the understanding and practise of an inclusive discipline, concerned to foster equal participation in the profession. The aims of the prize are to encourage professionals developing and improving their teaching portfolios to consider critically how philosophy is presented, and to be innovative in implementing practices of teaching that off-set well-known disparities of participation in the discipline, for instance along race and gender lines.

    Entries/nominations for the prize close on 28 February 2017. For further information see:

  • 20 Dec 2016 2:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    AAP Media Prize

    The AAP invites entries/nominations for media work from professional philosophers in Australasia (including postgraduates and also retired academic philosophers) published in 2016. Entries/nominations may come from the author or from others. The closing date for entries is 28th February 2017.

    Further information about the AAP Media Prize, including conditions of entry, can be found at:

    AAP Media Professionals' Award

    The AAP invites entries/nominations for media work from journalists and other media professionals based in Australasia published in 2016. Entries/nominations may come from the author or from others. The AAP Media Professionals' Award is offered no more than once each year, and may not be made every year. The closing date for entries is 28th February 2017.

    Further information about the AAP Media Professionals' Award, including conditions of entry, can be found at:

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