Newsletter November 2022

Message from the AAP CEO – Stuart Brock


  • Australasian Philosophy – Reflecting on the Past 100 years. AAP Centenary opening event, 1-2 December 2022. Registrations Close 21 November.
  • Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference – 26-27 November 2022
  • 2023 AAP Conference – Australian Catholic University, 2-6 July 2023

2022 AGM – election of office bearers

Prizes – Call for entries 

  • Annette Baier Prize
  • Innovation in Inclusive Curriculum Prize
  • Media Prize
  • Media Professionals’ Award

Committee News

  • AAP/ABC Philosopher’s Zone episode pitch call
  • National Library of Australia – archive of women in philosophy material
  • Undergraduate committee survey
  • Philosophy magazine - Sagacity
  • Australasian Philosothon 


  • Australasian Journal of Philosophy – Issue 100.3
  • Australasian Philosophical Review – Call for Open Peer Commentaries for Lead Article by Joshua Christie, Carl Brusse, Pierrick Bourrat, Peter Takacs and Paul Griffiths
  • Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia – Interviews with Eleanor Gordon-Smith & Graham Priest 

Jobs – Calls for applications

  • Charles Darwin University – Flinders University PhD Opportunity: An Australian Research Council (ARC) Funded PhD Position in the Philosophy of Indigenous Cognition and the History of Sciences 

Vale – Robert Nola

Message from the AAP CEO – Stuart Brock

Because of the impacts of the global pandemic, the AAP has not hosted an in-person conference since 2019. We have, however, risen to the challenge posed by COVID-19 by hosting successive successful online conferences over the last few years. This has facilitated greater accessibility to our conference, by giving access to students, international philosophers and others who would not otherwise be able to come. But there is no doubt that many of us are hankering for a more intimate in-person conference experience, and it is disappointing that we have found ourselves unable to offer this kind of experience for so long. I am therefore very excited to let you know that we will be hosting a stream at the December 2022 Council of the Humanities and Social Sciences Congress, hosted at Melbourne University. The in-person event will run for just two days in early December. It is an opportunity for us all to engage with one another face-to-face and reflect on the past 100 years of philosophy in Australasia. This event will open our centenary celebrations and will be free to all members. If you’re not currently a member of the Association, I encourage you to join as there will be celebrations and benefits throughout the next year to celebrate our first 100 years as an Association. I hope to see a good many of you at the CHASS event (more details below)!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing office bearers, most of whom stepped down at our AGM in August:

  • from the Operating Committees – Patrick Stokes (Media) and Sam Baron (Undergraduate);
  • from the Executive Committee – Richard Menary; and,
  • from the Board – Catriona Mackenzie (Chair), Katie Steele (Treasurer) and Adam Holloway (Independent Member).

In addition, I would like to thank Simon Keller, who is stepping down as Deputy Chair of the Board as he takes on the responsibilities of Head of School at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington. 

Thank you all so much for the work you have done for the AAP. 

Please also join me in welcoming our new office bearers (as below), if you haven’t already, all of whom are doing an outstanding job in their respective roles.


The opening event for the AAP Centenary - Australasian Philosophy: Reflecting on the Past 100 years – will take place 1 – 2 December 2022, University of Melbourne. It is a single stream event with four sessions over two days that showcase distinctive themes in Australasian philosophy over the last 100 years. These include: Feminist philosophy and Australasian philosophy: Impact and contributions; Revisiting the analytic/continental divide in the 21C, co-hosted with the Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy (ASCP); AJP: Lessons from the past and prospects for the future; and, Philosophy and Psychology: Parallels, divisions, and the Australasian contribution. Each session will comprise a panel discussion preceded by special papers by Catriona Mackenzie, Genevieve Lloyd, Antony Eagle and Frank Jackson.

The full program is available HERE

The event takes place alongside and as part of the CHASS Humanities Forum

Registration is free for AAP members and those attending the ASCP 2022 Conference and requires registration. Places are limited. Please register HERE

To ensure your place register early. Registrations close: 23 November 2022


The Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference (APPC) will be held online 26 – 27 November. The APPC is an annual conference that provides a great opportunity for postgraduate philosophy students to present their work, debate their ideas, receive feedback from peers, and find collaborators across institutions. Any interested persons are welcome to attend. All attendees, including those who have submitted an abstract to the conference, should register using the form HERE

If you have any questions, please contact the Postgraduate Committee at


The 2023 AAP Conference will take place from Sunday 2 – Thursday 6 July 2023, hosted by the Dianoia Institute of Philosophy and School of Philosophy, at the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia. The conference theme is: 100 years of Australasian Philosophy: Bridging the Past, Present and Future. A calls for abstracts will be circulated closer to the new year.

2022 AGM - Newly elected AAP Officer Bearers

The AGM was held on Friday 5 August at Te Herenga Waka–Victoria University of Wellington and via Zoom videoconferencing.

Newly elected AAP Officer Bearers 


Chair: Professor Jeanette Kennett (Macquarie University)

Treasurer: Dr Jorge Fernandez (University of Adelaide)

CEO: Professor Stuart Brock (Victoria University Wellington)

Ordinary Member: Professor Lisa Ellis (University of Otago)

Independent Member: Mr Anthony Rodwell-Ball

Independent Member: Mr Stephen O’Brien


Executive Director Singapore: A/Professor Weng Hong Tang (National University of Singapore)

Executive Director Australia: Professor Jacqueline Broad (Monash University)

Executive Director New Zealand: A/Professor Tracy Bowell (University of Waikato)

Conveners of Operating Committees

Media Committee: A/Professor Sam Baron (Australian Catholic University)

Undergraduate: Dr Guillermo Badia (University of Queensland)

Philosophy in the Community: Professor Rob Wilson (University of Western Australia)

Postgraduate Committee: Ms Brigitte Everett (University of Sydney)

The following positions were endorsed at the meeting:

President: Professor Graham Oppy (Monash University)

AJP Editor: A/Professor Antony Eagle (University of Adelaide)

2023 AAP Prizes – call for entries

Annette Baier Prize - The Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP) offers an annual prize of $500 for an outstanding philosophical paper or book chapter published by an Australasian woman during the previous calendar year. 
The closing date for entries is February 28, 2023 at 6pm AEDT.
Eligibility, Judging Criteria and online entry form available HERE

AAP Prize for Innovation in Inclusive Curricula - The Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP) offers an annual monetary prize of $500 for the development of innovative approaches to teaching philosophy.
The closing date for entries is February 28, 2023 at 6pm AEDT.
Eligibility, Judging Criteria and online entry form available HERE

AAP Media Prize - The Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP) offers an annual prize of $500 for the best philosophical piece(s) published by a professional philosopher in the popular media in Australasia during the previous calendar year. 
The closing date for entries is February 28, 2023 at 6pm AEDT.
AAP Media Prize Eligibility, Judging Criteria and online entry form available HERE

AAP Media Professionals' Award - The Australasian Association of Philosophy (AAP) offers an occasional award of $500 to journalists and other media professionals for excellence in the presentation of philosophy or philosophical issues in the media in the previous calendar year. 
The closing date for entries is February 28, 2023 at 6pm AEDT.
AAP Media Professionals' Award Eligibility, Judging Criteria and online entry form available HERE 


Media – a call for pitches for episodes of the Philosopher’s Zone

The ABC Radio National’s Philosopher’s Zone and the AAP are pleased to announce a joint initiative, which involves the production of up to 10 episodes of the Philosopher’s Zone in 2022. Each episode will include an interview written and produced by a philosopher or philosophy student. The interviewees will also be philosophers or philosophy students.  We are currently inviting pitches from the philosophical community to develop episodes within the joint initiative. Preference will be given to philosophers and philosophy students in the Australasian/Asia Pacific region. 

For further information and to submit a pitch see HERE

Pitches are due by 7 November 2022

Any queries can be directed to the convenor of the AAP Media Committee:

National Library of Australia – archive of women in philosophy material

The Status for Women in the Philosophy Profession (SWiPP) Committee of the AAP offered their historical records of women's struggle for inclusion in the philosophy profession to the National Library of Australia for archiving. The collection of documents consists of reports from SWiPP regarding the extreme difficulties women in the industry face, correspondence regarding the implementation of active measures to include and champion both women doing philosophy and feminist philosophy as a sub-discipline, as well as conference pamphlets dating back to 1982.

The archive can be viewed HERE

Postgraduates – launch of Sagacity

The AAP Postgraduate Committee is proud to announce the upcoming launch of a new philosophy magazine, Sagacity. Sagacity is a magazine by postgraduates for both students and members of the public interested in philosophy. Sagacity will launch and be open to article submissions by philosophy postgraduates from December 2022.

Undergraduate Survey

The  Undergraduate Committee of the AAP have created a survey with the intention of probing the level of engagement that undergraduates in the Australasia region might wish to have with the AAP. The survey can be accessed HERE

2022 Australasian Philosothon

The 2022 Australasian Philosothon was held on Friday 19 – Saturday 20 August 2022. 17 schools from across Australasia in junior and senior divisions, participated in two days of enthusiastic discussions about big ideas in four Community of Inquiry topics: Should artificial reefs be viewed as environmental saviours?; Does automating art broaden the potential for human creativity or does it hinder it?; What is the big deal about Australia Day?; and, Is time travel possible? A highlight was once again, the presenters and conversationalists. Thanks to Prof. Tracy Bowell, Andrew Rogers, and Lucia Carvelho Neco, the students and teachers were treated to fascinating philosophical insights. Videos of the conversations are now available on the philosothon website.


Overall Schools: 1st North Sydney Girls High School (NSW), 2nd St Peter's Girls' School (SA), 3rd St Andrew's Cathedral School (NSW)

Most Promising Philosopher: Rebecca Stephen (Year 9) North Sydney Girls High School (NSW) and Kavinraj Punitha Kaanthan (Year 12) Willetton Senior High School (WA)

Overall Students; 1st Rebecca Stephen (Year 9) North Sydney Girls High School (NSW), 2nd Belinda Shang (Year 10) North Sydney Girls High School (NSW), 3rd Ella Uhlmann (Year 12) North Sydney Girls High School (NSW)

Full results HERE

The Australasian Philosothon is overseen by the AAP Philosophy in Community Committee. Thanks to the Students, Teachers, Facilitators and Judges who participated and gave their time and expertise over the two days. 


Australasian Journal of Philosophy – Issue 100.3

Current Issue: Volume 100.3 

Subscribe to content alerts HERE

Follow on twitter: @AustralJPhilos

Australasian Philosophical Review – Call for Proposals for Open Peer Commentaries
The APR is seeking proposals for open peer commentaries on: 

Joshua Christie, Carl Brusse, Pierrick Bourrat, Peter Takacs and Paul Griffiths:

‘Are biological traits explained by their ‘selected effect’ functions?

Curator: John Matthewson

Invited commentaries from: Justin Garson, Justine Kingsbury, Ruth Garrett Millkan, Samir Okasha, Nicholas Shea

Proposal abstracts should be brief (200-500 words), stating clearly the aspects of the lead article that will be discussed, together with an indication of the approach that will be taken. More details are available on the APR website

Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia – Interviews with Eleanor Gordon-Smith & Graham Priest

UPJA has recently published interviews with Eleanor Gordon-Smith & Graham Priest.

A full list of interviews can be found HERE

Follow on twitter: @UPJA_Philosophy

Jobs – Call for applications

Charles Darwin University – Flinders University PhD Opportunity: An Australian Research Council (ARC) Funded PhD Position in the Philosophy of Indigenous Cognition and the History of Sciences. Information about the position and how to apply HERE

Applications close: Friday 18 November 2022

Vale Emeritus Professor Robert Nola (1940-2022)

Robert Nola, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Auckland, died peacefully at home on 23 October 2022, aged 82. Nola was a long serving member of the Department at the University of Auckland. Nola was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand in 2009 and was a Fellow of the New Zealand Academy of the Humanities. Deepest condolences to Jan, his family, friends and loved ones.