Australasian Journal of Philosophy

Call for expressions of interest: Associate Editors

The Australasian Journal of Philosophy relies on a team of Associate Editors to assist in handling submissions in specialised subject areas. There is a panel of about 20 Associate Editors:

Associate Editors traditionally have been recruited by the Editor from the AJP's pool of superb referees. But there are doubtless many philosophers who would be excellent candidates to serve as Associate Editor but who may not have been approached through this process. Accordingly, and in the interests of transparency, we are making an open call for expressions of interest in serving as an Associate Editor.

What are we looking for?

The AJP is a generalist philosophy journal, with over 100 years of history behind it. We are open to submissions in all areas of philosophy and its history, and though the language of the Journal is English, we publish authors from all over the world. In assembling a team of Associate Editors we aim to reflect this topical and geographical spread. We aim also to improve the representation of groups traditionally underrepresented in senior roles in the publication ecology of philosophy. We are particularly interested in appointing Associate Editors with research expertise in the following areas (in no particular order):

  • Philosophy of mind
  • Philosophy of psychology and/or cognitive science
  • Moral psychology
  • Ethics and moral philosophy, including metaethics
  • Social and political philosophy
  • Epistemology, including formal, applied, and social epistemology,
  • Philosophy of language, including formal semantics

What is involved?

The role in practice involves taking a look at submitted papers, identifying potential referees, and once the reports are in, making a recommendation to the Editor. The submission platform automates much of the management of reports and referees. There is no actual editing work involved, and Associate Editors don't have to write reports for authors or Editor (though your comments are always welcome). After you make a recommendation, Associate Editors are not involved in the production process. The rewards include having an influence over the journal and the field, greater knowledge of the publication process, and whatever prestige and institutional recognition comes from an editorial position. 

The Journal receives about 750 new submissions per year, and has an eventual acceptance rate of 8–10%. We aim to expand the editorial team so that individual Associate Editors will not handle more than 25-odd submissions per year, and most will handle fewer than that. The Journal is typically closed to new submissions during December and January.

Appointments as Associate Editor are for an initial term of 3 years with the possibility of renewal.

Selection criteria

The most important prerequisites are reliability, a good knowledge of prospective referees for papers on various topics, and a good track record of research in the field. We will also consider any history of reviewing for the journal. Associate Editors must have a standing in the philosophical community that inspires trust in prospective authors that their manuscripts will be competently handled. You will also need to become comfortable using the ScholarOne platform that the Journal uses to handle manuscripts.

How to apply

If this sounds potentially like you, please fill in the brief expression of interest form here:

We are happy to accept expressions of interest on a rolling basis. We will be unable to provide detailed feedback to unsuccessful applicants.

Any questions can be directed to the Editor.