Message from the CEO

Letter to ACU Chancellor and Senate Members


2023 Australasian Philosothon

2023 Centenary Closing Symposium

2023 Australasian Philosophy Postgraduate Conference

2024 Online Conference 

2024 AAP Conference

2023 AGM - Resolutions, Election of Office Bearers

PRIZES & GRANTS – Announcements


Conference: Conference Report 

Centenary: Exhibition & History

Community: Indigenous Philosophy and Aussie Rules

Diversity: Indigenous Participation Report

Media: ABC Philosopher’s Zone Episodes


RESEARCH PARTICIPATION - Interventions to Mitigate Gender Bias in Women's Careers

VALE - Stephen Gaukroger, Marion Tapper, Jennifer McMahon, Janette Poulton 


Message from the CEO

In my first newsletter as CEO, I’d like to take the opportunity to extend deepest thanks to Stuart Brock, our outgoing CEO, on behalf of the Association and its members. Stuart led the Association through the tough, COVID years, keeping the annual conference running, our community functioning, and bringing the Association out the other side in good spirits. The past few months have been busy ones for the Association (no winter hibernation for AAP members!). July saw the AAP conference, our first in-person conference since 2019, hosted at ACU, Melbourne. With great attendance rates and a rich collection of papers and keynote speakers, the conference was highly successful – many thanks to our hosts at ACU and to the AAP Conference Committee. The 2024 conference will be hosted in Perth at UWA and we look forward to seeing you all there.  At last month’s AGM, the Diversity Committee’s Report on Indigenous Participation in Academic Philosophy was tabled and accepted, while motions on the Voice and on academic freedom were passed. At its first meeting earlier this month, the new Executive Committee took decisions on how to begin implementing these motions and some of the recommendations of the report. All of our committees have been busy with various projects. The Conference Committee’s busy year will come to an end with the events that will close out our centenary year. The AAP will host a series of panel discussions on the future of Australasian Philosophy alongside the Congress of the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS), at the University of Sydney from November 29 to December 1. The event will also coincide with the conference of the ASCP. I hope to be able to catch up with some of you in Sydney at these final celebrations of our centenary year. 

Tracy Bowell AAP CEO

Letter to ACU Chancellor and Senate Members

The AAP is alarmed and dismayed to learn that Australian Catholic University is planning to disestablish the Dianoia Institute of Philosophy with 10 of its philosophers to be made redundant.

 AAP Letter to ACU Chancellor and Senate


Australasian Philosothon 2023

2023 Australasian Philosothon will be held online Friday 29 and Saturday 30 September with schools participating from Victoria, NSW, Queensland, WA, NZ, SA and the ACT. The online format is proving popular and has allowed for some diversification in terms of the inclusion of more rural schools. 



2023 AAP Centenary Closing Symposium 

Australasian Philosophy: Bridging the Past, Present with the Future 

Centenary Closing Symposium 2023

Thursday 30 November - Friday 1 December 2023

University of Sydney

The closing event for the AAP Centenary, a symposium on Australasian Philosophy: Bridging the Past and Present with the Future, is a single stream symposium with sessions over two days that showcase distinctive themes concerning the future of Australasian philosophy on Methodologies, Indigenous philosophy, Philosophical progress, Environmental Issues, Philosophy for Children, and The philosophy and ethics of AI. The full program is available here: aap.org.au/future

The event takes place alongside and as part of the 2023 Congress of HASS  chass.org.au

This event is hybrid, with attendance in person and online via zoom. The event is free. In person places are limited. To attend please register here: aap.org.au/event-5410537. To ensure your place, register early. Registrations close: 16 November 2023

A special event to honour the philosophical and personal legacy of Marion Tapper, a plenary session of the Australasian Society of Continental Philosophy Conference, and co-hosted with the Australasian Society for Continental Philosophy (ASCP), will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday 29 November. All AAP members are welcome to attend. ascp.org.au/Conference-plenary-panel-marion-tapper


APPC 2023

The Australasian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference (APPC) is an annual conference that provides a great opportunity for postgraduate philosophy students to present their work, debate their ideas, receive feedback from peers, and find collaborators across institutions.

This year, the conference will run 14 - 15 of December at The University of Western Australia, Perth. 



AAP Online Conference 


AAP Online Conference

14 - 16 February 2024 (Dates TBC)

This special online conference is an opportunity for people unable to attend our annual in person conference July 2024 in Perth, WA, to present current work to a critical and collegial audience. We particularly welcome philosophers from Oceania and South East Asia and Early Career Researchers. 




Call for Abstracts will open next month.


AAP 2024 Conference

2024 CONFERENCE   7 - 11 July 2024

University of Western Australia

The 2024 AAP Conference will take place in person from Sunday 7 – Thursday 11 July 2024, hosted by the School of Philosophy at the University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. Confirmed keynote speakers: Bronwyn Finnigan, Dean Rickles, Anik Waldow. A call for abstracts will be open later in the year.

2024 local Conference Organisers: Chris Letheby and Miri Albahari   


2023 AGM held on Friday 25 August online via zoom. 


Voice to Parliament

Motions to support a 'yes' vote to the Voice to Parliament Referendum and a Statement Concerning Support for the Voice, authored by the Diversity Committee, were passed. Supporting the ‘yes’ vote is a first step in engaging in meaningful reconciliation actions, an initial and a key recommendation of the Supporting Indigenous Participation in Academic Philosophy in Australasia Report. aap.org.au/voice

Revisions to the By-Law Governing Elections at the AGMaap.org.au/about/governingdocuments

Academic Freedom 

The AAP supports the principle of academic freedom. It acknowledges that philosophers must be able to conduct research on politically controversial or culturally sensitive topics, while urging them to do so respectfully, inclusively, and with epistemic humility.

Draft minutes of the AGM : aap.org.au/members/AGMs/


Newly elected AAP Officer Bearers 


Deb Brown (University of Queensland) 


Deputy Chair: Dirk Baltzly (University of Tasmania)

CEO: Tracy Bowell (University of Waikato)

Ordinary Member: Adrian Walsh (University of New England)


Regional Director Singapore: Qu Hsueh (National University of Singapore)

Regional Director New Zealand: Jeremy Wyatt (University of Waikato)

Ordinary Member: Sam Baron (Australian Catholic University)

Conveners of Operating Committees

Conference Committee Co-convenors: Nick Munn & Joe Ulatowski (University of Waikato)

Postgraduate Committee Megan Moss (Monash University)

PRIZES & GRANTS – Announcements 

Annette Baier Prize 

2023 Winner Anik Waldow,  ‘What is Humean Autonomy?’ In Daniel O'Brien (Eds.), Hume on the Self and Personal Identity.


Stephanie Collins, ‘I, Volkswagen’, The Philosophical Quarterly, 72(2) and 'Abilities and Obligations: Lessons from Non-Agentive Groups', Erkenntnis;

Kate Phelan, ‘Feminism as Epic Theory’ British Journal of Political Science

Krushil Watene, ‘Indigenous Philosophy and Intergenerational Justice’, Reimagining the Human-Environment Relationship

Innovation in Inclusive Curriculum Prize

2023 Winner: Nick Munn, University of Waikato, for the course Environmental Ethics

Commendation: Chong-Ming Lim, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, for the course Ethics and Public Policy.

Media Prize

2023 Winners: Mark Alfano and Mandi Astola for ‘A sense of humour – even a dark one – is a moral virtue’Psyche/Aeon Magazine.

Commendations: Karen Jones for Rejoinder to ‘Uncivil Wars’, Quarterly Essay and the Minefield, and Tom Cochrane ‘Attuned to the Aesthetic’, Aeon Magazine.

Media Professionals’ Award

2023 Winner: Diana Reid for her monograph Seeing Other People, Ultimo Press.

Postgraduate Presentation Prize

2023 Winner: Shalom Chalson, Australian National University, for Discounting People for Reasons that Shouldn't Count.

Shortlist: Jonathan Edwards, University of Queensland, Solidarity: A Core Virtue of Humanitarianism? and Corey McCabe, Australian National University, Participatory Political Obligations.


2023 Postgraduate Conference Fund 

Jules Rankin, University of Sydney, Predictive Processing Workshop

Carlos Velázquez, Murdoch University, Thinking Together: Interdisciplinary Workshop on Collective Memory and Collective Knowledge


Conference Committee


2023 AAP Conference

2023 marks the Centenary year of the AAP with the theme: 100 years of Australasian Philosophy: Bridging the Past, Present and Future. In a welcome return to in person conferences, a very successful Centenary Conference was held in Melbourne and hosted by the ACU - 2 to 6 July. There were 195 papers and 263 delegates, most of whom attended for the whole five days.

Conference keynotes were Jacqueline Broad, Rae Langton, Krushil Watene, Katie Steele and Melissa Merritt (winner of the 2022 Annette Baier prize).

Several Committees ran events at the conference. These included: Undergraduate Winter School (Undergraduate Committee); Indigenous Australia and Australian Rules: Adam Goodes, a Decade On  (Philosophy in the Community Committee); and, Indigenising the curriculum – professional development workshop (Diversity Committee). 

Special thanks are owed to Australian Catholic University – Stephen Finlay and organising team, led by Dmitri Gallow and including Gillian Russell, Kyle Blumberg, Nevin Climenhaga, convenors of the AAP Conference Committee Nick Munn and Joe Ulatowski (University of Waikato) and the AAP Secretariat.



AAP History and Exhibition

The AAP Exhibition ran for the duration of the conference and was a wonderful curation of our history and a real focal point of the conference. There was a special celebration to launch the exhibition, which took place on the evening of Tuesday 4 July 2023. All past and present office bearers of the Association were invited to the launch. Office bearers who were standing down at the AGM were acknowledged at the event.



Indigenous Philosophy and Aussie Rules

Drawing on events surrounding the sustained booing of Adam Goodes in the Australian Football League 2013 and 2014 seasons, two free, NAIDOC Week public events were held as part of the Centenary Conference celebrations focusing on racism in Australian public life. The events - held in Darwin and Melbourne, involved a screening of Ian Darling’s documentary, “The Final Quarter”, followed by a panel discussion. The events were chaired by Nicolas Bullot (Darwin co-hosted with Deckchair Cinema) and Rob Wilson (Melbourne).





Supporting Indigenous Participation in Academic Philosophy in Australasia


The AAP Diversity Committee Report, Supporting Indigenous Participation in Academic Philosophy in Australasia, commissioned by the AAP Executive and authored by Taylor-Jai McAlister and Adam Hochman, was tabled at the AGM. The Report identifies barriers to participation and challenges faced by Indigenous students and staff and proposes strategies to address these. Among its recommendations, the report advocates that the AAP work towards addressing barriers to indigenous participation and engagement by engaging in meaningful reconciliation actions.

  Indigenous Participation Report



ABC Radio National’s Philosopher’s Zone and the AAP's joint initiative, involves the production of up to 10 episodes of the Philosopher’s Zone in 2023. Further episodes have been produced. Each episode is an interview written and produced by a philosopher or philosophy student. 

Shaun Gallagher & Daniel Hutto, ‘Skilled performance and cognition’,

interviewer: Ian Robertson


Adam Andreotta & Jacqueline Boaks‘Data privacy and informed consent',

interviewer: David Rutledge


Jacqueline Broad‘Women and the Canon’interviewers: Aidan Ryall & David Rutledge


Christopher LeanDe-extinction Part 1 & De-extinction Part 2interviewer: Kate Lynch


Jacqueline Boaks‘Leadership’, interviewer: Adam Andreotta


Australasian Journal of Philosophy

Issue 101.3


Subscribe to content alerts

Follow on twitter: @AustralJPhilos


Australasian Philosophical Review

Coming out soon

Volume 6.1 Lead Author: Joel Katzav

Volume 6.2 Lead Author: Glen Pettigrove

Volume 6.3 Lead Author: Dimitris Vardoulakis



Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia 

Call for papers and referees

We're looking for contributors for Volume 5. To submit a original essay or critical reply: upja.online/for-authors/

Or to participate in UPJA's peer-review process, apply to be referee: upja.online/for-referees/


Follow on twitter: @UPJA_Philosophy


Sagacity - a postgraduate run public philosophy magazine supported by the AAP

Philosophy postgraduate students, early career researchers in philosophy, and anyone who has recently completed a bachelor's/undergraduate degree in philosophy is invited to submit public philosophy articles to Sagacity Magazine. Sagacity Magazine was established in 2022 by a team of postgraduate students on the AAP Postgraduate Committee, and publishes articles with a public philosophy audience in mind.

Check it out at sagacitymagazine.com.au 

Interventions to Mitigate Gender Bias in Women's Careers:

A Study on the Impact of Micro-Affirmations

Research participation – Invitation

What have been the difference makers in your career? INVITATION to participate in research

We are interested in finding out about the small but pivotal factors that influence people's career experiences, trajectories, and successes in the fields of surgery, academic philosophy and academic biology.

What is the research about?
This study investigates how professional culture and workplace practices in academic philosophy, academic biology and surgery impact on women's career experiences and success.

Findings will help researchers:
* Better understand the culture of academic and surgical workplaces
* Better understand the constraints of these workplace contexts, and how these play out according to gender
* Develop practical strategies to promote career success in these fields.

Who can participate in the research?
We are seeking participants of all genders, who are currently working in academic philosophy or a related field, academic biology or a related field, and surgery.

What will happen on the study?
You will complete a short survey (10 minutes) and be interviewed about your experiences of your career and the factors that have influenced your career trajectory. The interviews will take place on Zoom or in person at a convenient location for you. Interviews will take approximately 1 hour.

How do I get involved?
More about the study and to get involved contact the project team at Macquarie University, attention Annie Sandrussi


The AAP regrets to announce the deaths in the past year of several long standing members of the Australasian philosophical community: Stephen Gaukroger, Marion TapperJenny McMahon, and Janette PoultonBoth Marion Tapper and Jenny McMahon made significant contributions to the AAP. Jenny was the Executive Secretary (2014 to 2017) and curated the inaugural issue of the Australasian Philosophical Review on the topic of Aesthetic Pleasure. Marion was the AAP Secretary (1998 - 2003) and Appointments Officer (1986 - 1987 and 1994 - 1998). She co-authored seminal reports about women and the profession - 'Special Problems Facing Women in Philosophy' (with San MacColl, Genevieve Lloyd and Barbara Roxon) in 1982 and 'Women and Philosophy' (with Janna Thompson) in 1991. Further tributes can be accessed here: aap.org.au/blog


Character and Moral Responsibility – T. S. Eliot and Religion

3 - 12 October, Notre Dame School of Character and Virtue, Sydney and online



ACHEEV 2023 Symposium: Researching Values in Health Contexts

12 October, University of Wollongong Innovation Campus 



Philosophy of Medicine for the 21st Century: New thinking about health and disease

24 - 26 October, Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney 



Philosophy and Literature – T. S. Eliot and Religion

28 October, Gabriel Marcel Institute of Philosophy, Sydney 



Thinking Together: Interdisciplinary Workshop on Collective Memory & Collective Knowledge


31 October - 2 November, in-person, Murdoch University



47th Annual Conference of The International Merleau-ponty Circle


4 - 6 December, Deakin University



Australasian Logic Colloquium (ALC) 2023


6 - 8 November, Brisbane, University of Queensland



2023 AAL conference 

9 - 10 November, University of Queensland (hybrid)



2023 ASCP Conference


27 - 29 November, University of Sydney



Australasian Seminar in Early Modern Philosophy 2023

28 - 30 November, University of Otago 



New Zealand Association of Philosophers Conference

     NZAP 2023 Conference

The University of Waikato will host the 2023 New Zealand Association of Philosophers Conference. The event will be held at Waikato's Tauranga Campus from 3-7 December. It will kick off on 3 December with a mini-conference on *te ao Māori* and the philosophy curriculum in Aotearoa New Zealand. This mini-conference will be directly followed by a reception and the Presidential Address, which will be delivered by Justine Kingsbury.

If you wish to deliver a presentation, please visit the conference website: www.ivvy.com.au/event/B3WFPQ/home.html


Australasian Society for Philosophy and Psychology 2023 Conference


6 - 8 December, Australian National University



The Australasian Association of Philosophy recognises Australia’s First Nations Peoples as the traditional owners and custodians of this land, and their continuous connection to country, community and culture.

The Australasian Association of Philosophy recognises the unique role of Māori as Tangata Whenua and embraces Te Tiriti o Waitangi recognising Māori as tino rangatiratanga of Aotearoa/New Zealand while embracing the three guiding principles of the Treaty – Partnership Participation and Protection.


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