Undergraduate Committee
Represents philosophy Undergraduate Students in Australasia.
The AAP encourages engagement with philosophy undergraduates in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. The AAP works to promote undergraduate engagement in philosophy through connecting societies and their members, by providing resources and avenues for engagement with philosophical research.
Joining the AAP is a great way to stay in touch with the Australasian philosophical community. Undergraduate students in Universities in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore receive a discounted rate.
Annual Membership is $20 + GST AUD. Become a member
Member Benefits
A discounted rate for the AAP Conference.
Free online access to Australasian Journal of Philosophy and the Australasian Philosophical Review
Access to Undergraduate Papers
Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia (UPJA)
Founded in 2019, the Undergraduate Philosophy Journal of Australasia is the first undergraduate philosophy journal run by students from the Australasian region.
Guillermo Badia - Convenor University of Queensland |
Billie Angus Te Herenga Waka: Victoria University of Wellington Associate Editor UPJA |
Ben Blumson National University of Singapore |
Stephanie Collins Australian Catholic University Undergraduate Journal Liaison |
Patrick Girard University of Auckland |
Jean Hew Nanyang Technology University Sub-Editor UPJA |
Lavinia Picollo National University of Singapore |
James Robinson Australian National University Associate Editor UPJA |
Sam Shpall University of Sydney |
Leon (Chenglong) Yin University of Sydney Sub-Editor UPJA |